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116 hotels operating in June

Île Maurice - Vue bord de plage couché de soleil


116 hotels operating in june 2015

According to the latest figures published by the Mauritius Statistics Organisation the figures are the following at the end of June 2015. 116 hotels in June are operating at the core of Mauritius Tourism Industry.

12,264 rooms were available to guests. Seven hotels were being renovated on 30 June, two of which have since re-opened. There are 51 hotels with more than 80 rooms, representing 76% of the available rooms. 100,000 additional visitors are expected in 2015, based on the figures from the first eight months of the year.

From January to August, Mauritius welcomed 719,173 visitors, compared to 651,107 travellers for the same calendar period last year, an increase of 10.5%. As a reminder, 1,038,968 tourists landed in Mauritius last year, an increase of 4.6% compared to the total tourist arrivals in 2013, with 993,106 tourists.

The Mauritius hospitality is renowned worldwide for the quality of service. Mauritius hotels brands are expending in Indian ocean in Reunion, in Madagascar but also in Morocco. It is a real and strong asset for the island. The hotels form and industry of tourism. From small to resort hotels, every need of tourism can be accommodated in the island.

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