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For my snack break in Madagascar !

koba vanilla and banana

ACCUEIL-For my snack break in Madagascar !

What  am i? 

koba my snack break in Madagascar

Let’s make a little game and guess what is koba:

  • For my snack break in Madagascar !
  • I am very popular not only among children but also among city dweller and farmer.
  • I am perfumed with the biggest jewel of SAVA region : Vanilla
  • Everybody cannot wait to ‘see’ me when street vendors announce my coming by yelling : “K….k….. ….vao mafana ! » (“K… K… all hot”).
  • The group Tarika also pays me tribute in one of their songs…

I am of course i am Koba, the snack from Madagascar

The recipe for gourmet who would like to make some Koba. You will need :

  • 5 ripe bananas
  • 250 g of rice flour
  • 100 g of brown sugar
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 100 g of peanut
  • Banana leaf
  • Raffia

Then, you will have to mash the bananas and mix them with rice flour and sugar.
Cut the vanilla pod into two pieces, divide longwise in halves and scratch out the seeds. Add it to the dough.
Put three tablespoons of the dough in the middle of banana leaf. 
Sprinkle with peanuts
Steam during 20 minutes.

Koba is a fantastic traditionnal dessert to be tried in the big island.

Mazoto homana (Enjoy your meal !) as said in Madagascar

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