The President of Madagascar, Hery Rajaonarimampianina, hosts top figures from the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie, including Ambassador MALIK SARR and the personal representative of the Secretary General of the OIF, Jacques BILODEAU : “November 2016 Rendezvous in Antananarivo”

Discussions avec la délégation de l’OIF
This afternoon, President Hery Rajaonarimapianina played host to some of the most influential figures in the OIF, Ambassador Malik SARR and Jacques Bilodeau, the personal representative of Michaelle Jean, the Secretary General of the OIF, at the Iavoloha Palace, in the presence of various other OIF figures such as Philippe Beaulne, the Canadian Prime Minister’s personal advisor on francophonie, and others from Burkina Faso, France, Quebec, and members of the organising committee for the 2016 Summit of La Francophonie in Antananarivo, Madagascar, as well as the Madagascan Minister of Foreign Affairs.
This represented an opportunity for the President to give his point of view on the organisation of the Summit of La Francophonie to be held in Antananarivo next November : “Your presence demonstrates the desire to move forward – a desire which reflects the commitment to clearly mark our determination as we prepare for the Summit this November. Last year, we guaranteed the political stability of the country and we have been working hard on it. We have made progress, which allows us to reassure ourselves even further that everything will unfurl in the best possible conditions. This is an everyday challenge for Madagascar and the entire world”.
“We are prepared to take up the challenge for this significant undertaking in Madagascar,” the President declared, before thanking and encouraging the Madagascan team responsible for organising the event.
For his part, Jacques Bilodeau said : “You have worked with great success and this will be a good year for Francophonie in Madagascar. The fierce desire and commitment that you have shown fills us with hope. The Secretary General of the OIF is ready and excited for November’s summit and has high hopes”.
In response to these words of encouragement and to all discussions, the President said : “We need to continue to progress. We are aware of the major issues, such as security, which will require significant collaboration. Internally, we are committed to raising awareness among Madagascans, especially the young, with their keen interest and avid will to participate. We are on the right track, we will keep moving and we will get there”.
During the press conference, Jacques Bilodeau again expressed his satisfaction in light of recent advancements in preparations for the Summit. “I am confident, and the Madagascan authorities are committed to striving for success. Dialogue with the Secretary General of the OIF will be maintained and reinforced with honest and constructive consultations, which will ensure the Summit’s success. The discussions are constant and open to collaboration with other countries. The organisation is being run by professionals. The main challenges are in making the general public understand the importance of this Summit of la Francophonie, which is an important symbol”
One of the highest figures in the Summit’s organising committee, Mamy Rajaobelina, added that the general public could look forward to the socioeconomic effects of the Summit. This is due to the creation of jobs, economic opportunities and an increase in markets for local produce. The 79 countries which will be in attendance are our partners.
Source : Indian Ocean Times