The Global Code of Ethics in Tourism brings together the principles designed to guide the main actors in tourist development. It is addressed to public authorities, as well as to travel professionals, communities and tourists and is designed to encourage to the maximum the benefits of tourism while reducing to a minimum any potential negative effect on the environment, cultural heritage and local society anywhere in the world. A fundamental reference for responsible and sustainable tourism.
Highlighting respect for the culture of a destination, a country, or an island is at the heart of the concerns of the Vanilla Islands, through their association, the Vanilla Islands Organisation (VIO) and its members (Île de la Réunion Tourism, Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority, Seychelles Tourism Board, National Tourist Office of Madagascar, National Tourist Office of Comores, Departmental Tourist Committee of Mayotte and the Maldives Board).
In 2012, during its annual Vanilla Islands event, the “International Tourism Fair Madagascar”, Madagascar organised the 3rd International Meeting for Sustainable and Ethical Tourism. . Frédéric Pierret, Executive Director of the WTO took part, addressing the question of “how can tourism combine economic development with the empowerment of the population”.

The VIO confirms its position on :
- The contribution of tourism to the understanding and mutual respect between different peoples and societies;
- Tourism as a vector for individual and collective empowerment;
- Tourism as a factor in sustainable development;
- Tourism as a way to use and enrich humanity’s cultural heritage;
- Tourism as a beneficial activity for the countries and communities that welcome it;
- The obligation of the actors in tourist development to provide objective and genuine information about their destinations and the conditions of travel, accommodation and the welcome provided;
- The right which tourism gives to personally and directly discover the planet’s riches is a right that is open to everyone in the world;
- Freedom of movement for tourists;
- The rights of traveller and those working in the tourist industry;The implementation of the principles of the World Code of Ethics in Tourism.
With the aim of contributing to tourist development in the Indian Ocean region, there will be an accommodation quality label which will offer a uniform classification system in the Vanilla Islands. The aim is to create a uniform classification of all accommodation in the Vanilla Islands. The label will guarantee the quality of services and the level of comfort in hotels.The principles outlined in the code mainly cover the economic, social, cultural and environmental aspects of travel and tourism. The ethics code is not obligatory, its acceptance is voluntary. It was adopted in 1999 by the Annual General Meeting of the World Tourism Organisation (WTO).
The WTO is part of the United Nations which is responsible for promoting tourism that is responsible, sustainable and accessible to all. A leading international organisation in tourism, the WTO promotes tourism as a driver economic growth, development for and environmental sustainability. The benchmark institution, it provides help to the sector to help advance knowledge relevant policies and world tourism.